R&D talents

Huifeng Transmission shoulders the sense of responsibility and mission of revitalizing the automotive high-end equipment industry. While adhering to the domestic and international scientific and technological frontiers to carry out professional research and development work, the company attaches great importance to cooperation and exchanges with various units of the national innovation system, especially with well-known universities at home and abroad, scientific research institutes, national large-scale industry backbone enterprises strategic cooperation, has been with the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Shandong University, Northeastern University, Shijiazhuang Railway University, FAW Automobile Research Institute and other well-known domestic higher schools, research institutes to carry out in-depth industry-university-research cooperation, the introduction of Chinese Academy of Engineering academicians, Yangtze River scholars, Taishan industry leading talents and other types of scientific and technological research and development talents more than 30 people, has undertaken the national ecological civilization, western uplift talents, innovative science and technology enterprise guidance fund, quality and efficiency, energy-saving technology reform special projects and other national and provincial and municipal projects more than 10 items, on the road of technological innovation, Huifeng transmission has been surpassing, as of now, the national patent breakthrough 100 items, including more than 20 invention patents, a number of product technology to break foreign monopolies, fill the domestic gap. And in-depth implementation of brand, standard strategy, the formulation of domestic spiral bevel gear industry standards, participate in the formulation of rail transit equipment forging industry standards, and constantly enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and strive to become the industry leader who grasps the right to set standards, the right to speak in the industry and the right to dominate the market.
